EDP765: Independent Study in Counseling Psychology

As a rule EDP765, because it is an independent study, has no syllabus. The structure--number of credits, frequency of meetings, degree of mutual involvement between student and instructor, the product, how that outcome will be evaluated, and so forth--are negotiated when the commitment is undertaken. The arrangements are best stated explicitly up front (and written down in the form of a contract).

However, EDP765 also can serve a slightly different function for doctoral students. Three one-unit EDP765's are taken to satisfy the research requirement (unless the student has written an acceptable Master's thesis, demonstrating the knowledge and some command of the research process). Usually the first such "course" is commited to doing research with a professor on her or his project (note: the professor need not be the student's adviser/chair). The second EDP765 generally is a review of literature in the area in which the student proposes to conduct dissertation research. The final independent study is strongly suggested to be a pilot study of the dissertation. Notice the progression toward more responsibility going to the student.

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