Angela R. Amarillo-Suarez
Department of Entomology
S-225 Agricultural Science Center North
University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY 40546-0091


Expertise and Research Interests

- Researcher. Project "Survey of the moths from the National Sanctuary of Flora and Fauna of Iguaque. 1989-1992. Program: The University in the parks. INDERENA
- Researcher. Project " Saturnids from the National Natural Park Tatamá". 1992. Program: INDERENA- CARDER. (Two weeks).
- Researcher. Expedition Colombia 1994. Serranía de Chiribiquete. University de Midlessex (U.K.)-Instituto de Ciencias Naturales. (45 days).
- Co-researcher. Use of butterflies and saturnids (Lepidoptera) as indicators of human action in the Pato River (Caquetá). Fondo FEN. 1995. (one year).
- Researcher. Expedition to the Reserva Natural Río Ñambí. Jul-Aug 1995. Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Universidad de Midlessex (U.K.). (30 days)
- Research assitant. Preliminar study of the Middle Magdalena biota. Yacopi. IDEAM-Instituto de Ciencias Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Colombia (21 days) Octubre de 1995.
- Researcher. Preliminar study of the enthomofauna from the north humid sector at the Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta. Fundaciones Prosierra Nevada de Santa Marta-IDEA WILD 1996. (5 months).
- Biologist. Project: Preliminar study of the enthomofauna of the Serranía de Macuira. Fundación Idea Wild-Nova Hylaea. 1995.
- Researcher. Project: "Use of moths (Macroheterocera: Lepidoptera) as bioindicators of Ecosystems conservation. Fundación Nova Hylaea-Banco de la República. 1997-1998.
- Advisor. Identification of Lepidoptera to the Corporación para la Investigación y el Fomento Forestal-CONIF. 1997-to today
- Advisor. Preliminar study of the Biology of Lonomia sp (Lep: Saturniidae). British Petroleum Exploration. Septiembre 2000.
- Research Assistant. Project "¿Was originate the butterfly Heliconius heurippa by way of intraespecific hibridization?. Institute of Genetics, Universidad de los Andes. Second semester. 1996.
- Advisor. Industry Harinas Haz de Oro. Recognaize of moths related with the damage in store products. 1996.
- Advisor. CONIF. Identification of Lepidoptera species (Heterocera).
- Scientific advisor. Book: Uribe C. (ed). 1998. Mariposas del llano. Cristina Uribe editores, Ltda. 104 pp.

Research Interests

- Evolutionary Biology and Genetics of seed beetles (Coleoptera: Bruchidae)
- Systematic, Biology and Ecology of Saturniidae (Lepidoptera : Heterocera)
- Insects as bioindicators of conserved areas.
- Monitoring of insects

Current Research

- Larval competition and decision rules of oviposition in Stator limbatus  

- Genetic and Evolution of life history traits in Stator limbatus and Callosobruchus maculatus (Coleoptera: Bruchidae).

- Biology and ecology of Lonomia achelous (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae).

Future Research

Geographic variation in host plant use in the seed beetle Stator limbatus (Coleoptera: Bruchidae). I am going to compare some life history traits in Stator limbatus populations along different geographical areas when they have different hosts plants. The goal will be understand the genetics and variation of life history traits such as oviposition preference, performance, lifespan, time development, body size and egg size and the differences between populations in these traits, their ecological and evolutionary implications.



- Association for Tropical Lepidoptera
- The Lepidopterist’s Society
- International Union for the Study of Social Insects(IUSSI), section Bolivariana
- Fundacion Nova Hylaea.
- Society for the Study of Evolution

Honors and Awards



Dr. Charles Fox