
Old Exams

These exams represent a composite of the types of questions that have been asked in previous years. Please note that the sequence and depth of topics covered varies from year to year. These exams should be used only as guide for the types of questions which may be asked.


Examination 1
Examination 2
Examination 3
Final Examination

Examination 1

Define the Hurdles or Barrier concept.

Explain how you would use the Hurdles or Barrier concept to ensure the safety and shelf-life of a new food product you are developing?

Define water activity

Discuss the relationship between water activity and percent moisture as water is added to rehydrate a food. Include as part of your answer an explanation of the relationship between water activity and the safety and wholesomeness of the food. A properly labelled figure must be included as part of your answer.

Describe what happens to bacteria in a food when the water activity is changed from 0.998 to 0.945 and why some bacteria can survive and other die.

(10 points) Describe why Staphylococcus aureus can survive and grow but Pseudomonas fluorescens cannot when each is transferred from a broth with a water activity of 0.98 to a broth with a water activity of 0.90.

Describe two types of microbial activity which influences the wholesomenes and/or safety of foods.

Describe what you believe are the main function(s) and goal(s) of food microbiologists?

How do bacteria reproduce?

Draw the growth curves you would expect to obtain for the growth of Staphylococcus aureus in a broth at 12C and 35C. Label each curves.

What is the most common bacterial cause of foodborne illness in the United States?

What are the two most common causes of a foodborne outbreak.

Where do most incidences of foodborne illness occur?

Define the following terms: