1998 Wine Grape Cultivar Trial - UKREC


Plot Description

Planting Dates: May 19 and 20, 1998

Spacing:  8 ft between vines, 12 ft between rows

Replication: 15 vines per cultivar in a non-replicated trial.

Plants / plot: 15 vines.


Back Half of the Block Rani Riesling
M39-9/74 Laurot
'MI 5/106'
Bianca Kozma 55 Burmunk Kozma 525 I 31/67
Front Half of the Block XX-15-51 Liza
Bianca Kozma 55 Rubin T Malverina
  Row 1 Row 2 Row 3 Row 4 Row 5 Row 6 Row 7 Row 9 Row 10


Notes and Comments

Training system used is 'Single Cordon'.

Spring 2003: Burmunk were pulled out because they did not adapt to KY environment and still haven't had any crop.


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