Research Accomplishment Reports 2007

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Promoting Life Skills in Middle School Youth

J. Kurzynske, K. Jones, W. Stivers, K. Ashurst
Department of Human Environmental Sciences


Project Description

1. Project personnel attended CYFAR conference

2. Hired and trained paraprofessionals on technology infrastructure, grant and reporting procedures, UK policies, CYFERnet and delineation of roles and responsibilities.

3. Developed and implemented life skills programs in the targeted schools.

4. 50 youth leaders and 3 adult leaders have been recruited.

5. Project personnel have met with community groups to develop collaborations

6. Technology infrastructure has been purchased.

7. Pre/post-test instruments have been developed.

8. Pre-tests have been administered.


Project personnel have enhanced knowledge and practice of lifeskills curriculum, program implementation, grant compliance, policies and procedures.


Jones, K.R., Ashurst, K.L. & Kurzynske, J. (2007). County extension agents' perceptions of positive developmental assets for vulnerable youth. Journal of Extension, 45(6). Available online at: