During the next month there is going to be a great deal of discussion concerning trees. Discussion will focus primary around fall color of Kentucky's hardwoods and the potential of forest fires. (NOTE: For the early spring months you could replace the first two sentences with - Arbor Day is only a few weeks away). Below are some generic questions and discussion about how trees and the products of trees influence our lives. There are some 5000 products that are produced from trees all the way from the houses we live in to the tooth paste we use.

Q1. How many pounds of paper does each person in the United states use every year?

50, 250, 500, 750 pounds

(Side bar - there are two paper manufacturers in Kentucky - WestVaco and Willamette.

Q2. How big a tree would you need to make all the wood and paper you use every year?

100 feet by 18 inches, 200 feet by 24 inches, 300 feet by 30 inches, 400 feet by 36 inches

(Side bar - largest yellow-polar in Kentucky has a 212 inch circumference and found in McCreary County. The oldest living tree is a 4,700 year old bristlecone pine which is in California)

Q3. About how much of a tree can be used to make wood and paper products?

Half, two-thirds, three-fourths, all of it

Q4. A ton of paper equals 2000 pounds. How many tons of paper were recovered for recycling in 1998?

28.1 tons, 39.6 tons, 45.3 tons, 52.7 tons

(Side bar - concerning the air we breath and recycling. Trees use 1.47 pounds of carbon dioxide and produce, through photosynthesis, 1.07 pounds oxygen.)

Q5. True or False. More paper is recovered each year for recycling than goes to landfills?

Q6. Which state planted the most trees n 1997?

Alabama, Georgia, Oregon, Michigan

(Side bar - Kentucky does not have to replant many of the areas harvested. Sprouting from stumps and seeds that have fallen from trees will quickly repopulate a harvested area.)

Q7. Rank from highest to lowest the values of these US farm crops.

Trees, corn, soybeans, wheat

(Side bar - in Kentucky, 105 of 120 counties have some type of wood industry and there are nearly 26,000 people employed in the industries)

Q8. The US land area consists of 2.2 billion acres. About how many are covered by trees?

500 to 600 million acres, 600 to 700 million, 700 to 800 million, 800 to 900 million

(Side bar - in Kentucky the state is 50% forested, some 12 million acres)


ANSWERS Q1 - 750 pounds, Q2 - 100 feet by 18 inches, Q3 - All of it, Q4 - 45.3 million tons, Q5 - True, Q6 - Alabama, Q7 - In the order they are, Q8 - 700 to 800 million acres (about one - third of US)