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College of Arts & Sciences

College of Arts and Sciences | 251 Patterson Office Tower | Lexington KY 40506-0027 | Contact: Dr. Matthew Godbey -
In today’s complex world, critical thinkers and strong writers have an edge. The Department of English at the University of Kentucky offers a wide variety of courses in order to provide students like you with that edge. You are provided the opportunity to learn from faculty members that are best-selling and award-winning authors, poets, documentarians, and screenwriters. The English curriculum at UK favors a liberal arts tradition that provides you with a broad skill set and prepares you for success in a variety of careers. English is a powerful and flexible undergraduate degree that leads to numerous career paths. Many students choose professions in education, and many more find employment in fields such as communications, entertainment, business, and law.            

Total Hours Required for Degree:

UKY Major Map English {DATE l, F d, Y}