UK Photo

Photo services for the entire University


We want to show the world the UK experience.  Photograph campus life, classroom collaboration, Student life and activities, all based on the Marketing needs of the University as a whole.  We photograph things that any and all departments can use and may be interested in.  

UK Photo works to create images that tell the stories of the University of Kentucky. We photograph the best parts of campus, scenic photos and beyond. 

We focus on creating photographs that can be used campus-wide and across multiple departments. We create many of the photographs you see on websites and on other UK marketing materials as well as all the walls and video screens in campus buildings and the student center. 

We want to be there for your most interesting classes and most compelling parts of the UK experience.  Your department's photos could be used on the video screens across, campus, social media, fence signs, or even as wallpaper in some buildings. 



We also offer free headshots twice a month through this link:

This headshot service is provided IN GENERAL from 9:30 am – 11:30 am on the first Tuesday and third Wednesday of each month. Headshot sessions are in the LexMark Public Room in the Main Building. 

Exterior view of Main Building at night.



We cover major campus events like Commencement, but we do not cover individual college events, symposiums, or awards ceremonies. We can provide you with a list of freelance photographers that can take care of your needs at their rates.

The best way to approach this is to send in a photo request form and we will talk about your request and either confirm it or help you find other options.


Photo Request Form

Assignment Information
Please allow 30 minutes before event for set up
Please Provide as Much Information About Your Event as Possible
Client Information
There is no charge for UK Photo services for colleges and departments. Photographer availability on nights and weekends is limited and subject to availability. If you are making a request within a 24-hour window, please call 859-321-0853.
Image Proofing and Delivery
All images will be electronically sent for review and download
Processing Turnaround Needs