Flyfish@ history of the list

drying out after kreutzering

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The FF@ "fly swaps" are quite interesting and very unique. One member will announce that they are organizing a swap around a particular theme, such as Salmon flies, FF@ members will register with the coordinator via email, tie a specified number of flies, and then mail them to the coordinator. The coordinator, sometimes called the "swapmeister", will mail packages of flies out to the participants. FF@ swaps have included everything from the expected flies, to leaders, extra materials, and pet fur! Past swaps have been too numerous to list but some have included:
swap theme host
Midge Swap midges Matt Jorgensen
Caddis Swap 100 caddis Byard Miller
2nd Annual Mardi Gras Swap anything purple, green and gawdy! Hilary Thompson
Greatest Swap of all time ? Nick Punjic
Christmas Colors Swap Anything red and green Matt Blickensderfer
Original Fly Swap original creations by swappers Charles Allen
Beginner's Swap, Phase 2 apparently something simple? Don Shearer

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