The Sourmug Section

In addition to my passion for flyfishing, one of my other passions is Bulldogs
(our "beloved Sourmugs").

Featured to the immediate right is

"Rafe": ( Ch. Sandy Ridge's Blockade Runner)

who just finished his Championship with consecutive 4 and 5 point majors at the

Music City Bulldog Club Specialty & Decatur, AL K.C. Shows.

Featured to the left is "Boomer":

(Chenoweth's Land Rover). He is "Rafe's" half brother (Same Sire) and is currently on his way to his Championship .

And then to the right is our newest girl in training: Chenoweth's Virtuous Maid or "Olivia":

- who has just started her show career.

To the left is another of the Iris Girls: Kennedy's Iris Cinnamon Belle (a.k.a. Belle)




On the right are two of the "boys" from our latest litter:

Rocky (Iris's Grillades and Grits) and Bones (Iris's True Grits).


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click on the logo to your left.

For more information on the Bulldog Club of America

click on the logo to your right.