(3 of 8)

Coronal Pulp

The odontoblasts (A) of coronal pulp (B) appear to be pseudo-stratified columnar in nature whereas those of the radicular pulp are simple columnar. In the roots of fully developed teeth, the odontoblasts may become simple cuboidal or even squamous in shape. The height of the cell bodies of the odontoblasts can be directly correlated with their metabolic activity. The pseudostratified appearance develops as a result of odontoblast crowding as they move inward towards the pulp in the coronal aspect of the pulp cavity. As the odontoblasts reduce the size of the pulp cavity by the deposition of dentin (D), there is a reduction in surface area on the predentin (C) for occupation by an essentially undiminished number of odontoblast cell bodies. The result is crowding and a compensatory pseudostratification.


A - odontoblasts
B - pulp (coronal)

C - predentin
D - dentin

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