COM 454




Communication Contexts

Honor Students

Research Projects

Last updated January 28, 2020




Communication Context - refers to the environment in which human communication takes place.

 Frey, Botan, Friedman & Kreps, 1991


Societal Communication (macrosocial)

Public Communication
occurs when a small number of people (usually one person) address a larger group of people (speeches, lectures, oral reports, and dramatic performances).

Mass Communication
occurs when a small number of people send messages to a large, anonymous, and usually heterogeneous audience through the use of specialized communication media.

Intracultural Communication

Intercultural Communication (cross-cultural communication)

Organizational Communication
occurs within a particular social system composed of interdependent groups attempting to achieve commonly recognized goals.

Group Communication
occurs among three or more people interacting in an attempt to achieve commonly recognized goals

Interpersonal Communication
communication between two people (dyad), either face to face or through mediated forms (such as a telephone or computer), characterized by the mutual awareness of the individuality of the other.

Intrapersonal Communication 
an internal communication process that occurs when we send messages to ourselves and develop messages to send to others.  Communication with ourselves.

Applied Communication Contexts

  Communication and the Aged
  Communication and Children
  Communication Campaigns

  Communication Education - study of communication within the educational system.  Researchers are interested in teacher-student communication patterns and the use of communication strategies to influence learning.  We distinguish between instructional communication (communication in instruction) and communication education (instruction in communication)

   Consumer Behavior
   Family Communication

   Health Communication - study of communication within the health care system.  Researchers are interested in how patients talk about their illnesses, communication between physicians and patients, message flow within health care organizations, and health care public campaigns.

   Intimate Communication
   Legal Communication
   Public Opinion Processes