Access object environment


Access Data Project (ADP)

Contains forms, reports, macros, modules, and data access pages which are connected to the back-end database that contains the tables and queries


Application object

Open a database

OpenCurrentDatabase method

e.g., DIM AccessApp AS Access.Application

        SET AccessApp = NEW Access.Application

        CONST path = “d:\mgt695\”

        WITH AccessApp

                 .OpenCurrentDatabase path & “622.mdb”

                 .DoCmd.OpenReport “Grade”

         END WITH

Close a currently opened database


Open a form

DoCmd.OpenForm form_name


The AllForms collection of the CurrentProject object comprises all the saved forms.

The Forms collection comprises only the forms currently running in memory
Access Data Environment


MicroSoft Database Engine

Contains tables and queries

Replaced by SQL Server Desktop Engine


ActiveX Data Objects

New data access technology: non-hierarchical


Data Access Objects

Pre-2000 data access technology


ADO (ActiveX Data Objects) Model


Connection object

Connection object

Defines a session for a user for a data source

Declaring a connection object

DIM c_object_name AS ADODB.Connection

Initiate a new connection object

SET c_object_name = NEW ADODB.Connection

Open the connection

Open method

c_object_name.OPEN connection_string

Connection string

“PROVIDER = Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;”


Close the connection

Close method


Destroy the connection object

Set c_object_name = Nothing


Recordset object

Recordset object

Defines records as a group

Declaring a recordset object

DIM r_object_name AS ADODB.Recordset

Initiate a new recordset object

SET r_object_name = NEW ADODB.Recordset

Point the recordset object at a set of records

r_object_name.OPEN data_source, CurrentProject.Connection

Data source

Table name, SQL statement, …

Close the recordset

Close method


Destroy the recordset object

Set r_object_name = Nothing


Fields collection

Count property

Returns the number of fields in the recordset


EOF property

Returns true if the current position is at EOF


Retrieve data based on the field name

r_object_name!field_name or


MoveNext method

Moves to the next record in the recordset


AddNew method

Adds a new record


Modifies data in an existing record


Deletes a record

DAO (Data Access Objects) Model