EDC 575/EGR 599 - Intro to Knowledge Management & Technology

Thursdays 4:30-7:00 TEB 140
Office Hours 2-4 T/TH
Instructor: Dr. Gerry Swan (gswan@uky.edu)
Office:134C Taylor Education Building

Week Date Topics
Assignment Due
1 1/12

Into to class
What is Knowledge?

Survey Data

2 1/19

What is KM?

Design Challenge: Create a presentation defining KM and why we should do it.

Read all of the following articles:
Argyris_1982 (#a1)
Nonoaka (#a2)
Serban and Luan (#a3)
KM and OL (#a4)
Manaing Professional Intellect (Quinn et. al.) (#a5)

3 1/26 What is KM?   Re-read articles from last week and explore our twittering process for improving out of class reading (hopefully this will turn out well and I won't look like a twidiot).
4 2/2

What is KM?

Design Challenge: Define a KM flow chart for a specific application Read 3 of the 4 following articles:
Alveson and Karreman
Tacit to Org Learning
5 2/9      
6 2/16

What is KM?

Design Challenge: Create a Visualization
Decision Matrix Car
Decision Matrix Cancer

Read all of the following articles:
Eppler and Burkhard

IT as KM Enabler
7 2/23


Solving Marty's problem

8 3/1 Web 2.0 - Databases  

9 3/8 Web 2.0 - PHP Basic Web DB What is Web 2.0?
Web 2.0 Secret Sauce
10 3/15 Web 2.0 - PHP Spring Break  
11 3/22 Web 2.0 - PHP

Designing a self paced module

Look at the two *'ed articles and one other:
Kulik, Kulik & Bangert-Drowns
Kulik, Kulik & Cohen
Hattie & Timperly*
Vargas & Vargas*
12 3/29  

Differential Video
Differential Video 2
Egg video

Air molecule simulation
Visuals in Science Education

Missy the missing cat
13 4/5 Design Project HTML Tags
Personalized Instruction (Article)
Personalized Instruction (Video)
Digesting Data
14 4/12 Design Project  


15 4/19 Design Project

Creativity - John Lehrer

Marvin Gaye Anthem (1983)

Marvin Gaye Anthem (1979)

Marvin Gaye Anthem (1968)

Retaking the SAT

UK faculty member on retaking the ACT

16 4/26 Design Project


*This book may be of interest - http://www.springerlink.com/content/978-1-4419-0007-4/contents/

This course will address the four themes of the conceptual framework for the UK professional education unit:  research, reflection, learning, and leading.  Students will be given the opportunity to review, analyze, discuss, and apply research from diverse perspectives in education.  Reflection will also be integrated into students’ learning opportunities through the production of written essays, group discussion and media production to help students take advantage of the analytical and problem-solving skills that comprise critical professional reflection on one’s own teaching. This course emphasizes the commitment of the professional education unit to ensure that its graduates move into their professional lives equipped for life-long learning as educators who will be active in leading colleagues in their schools, districts, and professional organizations.  The ultimate goal in addressing these four themes is to produce teacher leaders who work together to improve student learning among diverse populations and improve education in Kentucky and beyond. Additionally, students will be prepared to serve a more diverse population of learners through exploration of hw all people learn.

Expectations and Grading
To do well in EDC 575, you should come prepared to all class sections and actively participate in them. You must complete your assignments fully and turn them in on time.

How do I make an A? Here is the question on everyone's mind. there are between (5-7) assignments that are used to determine your grade in the class (why not a fixed number you ask? Well depending on how the class progresses, sometimes I need to jettison a unit). For each of those assignments I will score them with an A, B or C. If you get two A's AND at least a B on the final project you get an A. Conversely, if you get two C's you've earned a C. C work can be redone provided you have earned the right to do so through demonstration of the correct process related behaviors (showing up to class prepared, completing practice assignments, etc.). Criteria for achieving an A will be provided with each assignment.

Students should familiarize themselves with the Student Code regarding plagiarism (section 6.3.1), which can be obtained from the office of the Dean of Students or retrieved from http://www.uky.edu/StudentAffairs/Code/part2.html section 6.3.1. Plagiarism of any type will result in a failing grade.

Class Attendance and Participation
Class attendance is required for all class sessions. Information will be presented in each class that is not available through other means.