The CONYBEARE and MADDEN Collations

The project has also begun to add important nineteenth-century collations of the manuscript with the first edition (1815) of the poem. In the earliest collations nineteenth-century scholars, in particular J.J. Conybeare and Sir Frederic Madden (who later became Keeper of Manuscripts at the British Museum) were able to examine the manuscript before the burnt leaves were mounted in the paper frames.

John J. Conybeare's 1817 Collation

To facilitate its inclusion in the electronic archive, Whitney F. Bolton recently donated Conybeare's first collation (1817) to the British Library.

Sir Frederic Madden's 1824 Tracing and Collation

Meanwhile the Houghton Library at Harvard University has allowed the project to begin digitizing Madden's second collation (1824) and other pertinent material.

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