New User Registration

Please fill in as many of the fields as possible and click on the Submit button at the bottom of the page. A valid username and password will be e-mailed to you automatically. If you do not receive an e-mail from SLControl within a few hours (hopefully a few minutes) please contact me for advice.

E-mail address:

Brief description
of research

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Click 'Submit' to request a username and password to download SLControl. There may be a short delay before a conformation screen appears.

SLControl is provided with the best of intentions, but there is no guarantee that it works correctly under all condition. When new problems are discovered, they are reported on this site and every attempt is made to fix the problem in future releases. Nevertheless users who chose to use SLControl do so at their own risk. No warranty is implied or intended. Last updated on 30th January, 2005 by Ken.