(Gerhard Richter, Äpfel)



The Metaphysics of Material Beings:

Constitution, Persistence, and Identity

Philosophy 650

Spring 2008


Prof. Brandon C. Look

Department of Philosophy

University of Kentucky



Meeting: Tuesdays 4:30-7:00


Course Description:

This seminar will focus on contemporary discussions in analytic metaphysics concerning the nature of material objects.  We will consider a number of questions, including the following: 

Expectations, Requirements, and Grading:

Students are expected to attend all seminar meetings, have read closely the required readings, and be active participants in discussion. 

Each student will be required to write a short, weekly “reflection paper,” in which he or she addresses two questions:

As part of the assignment, students are to explain why these questions are important.  These papers are to be no more than 500 words long and are to be completed by 1:00p.m., Tuesday and e-mailed to me at look@uky.edu

In addition, each student is required to write one seminar paper of approximately 20 pages in length.  Students are encouraged to discuss an appropriate topic with me.  

Due date: Wednesday, April 30, 2008.

Final grades will be based on three components:  participation, quality of reflection papers, and final paper – though the final paper will constitute the bulk (80%) of the final grade. 




 A short list of books for further reading: