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"Connaissance de soi et connaissance historique: 'ego-histoire' et savoir," in Yves Beauvois and Cécile Blondel-Lucas, eds., Qu'est-ce qu'on ne sait pas en histoire? (Villeneuve d’Ascq: Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, 1998), 145-58


"The Memoires secrets and the Reading of the Enlightenment," in Popkin and Fort, eds., The 'Mémoires Secrets' and the Culture of Publicity (Oxford:  Voltaire Foundation, 1998), 9-35


“Robert Darnton’s Alternative (to) the Enlightenment,” in Haydn Mason, ed., The Darnton Debate: Books and Revolution in the eighteenth century (Oxford: Voltaire Foundation, 1998), 105-28




"Autobiography vs. Postmodernism:  Alice Kaplan and Elisabeth Roudinesco."  A/B:  Autobiography Studies 12 (1997), 225-42


"Antoine-Marie Cerisier, le Leidse Ontwerp, et le Grondwettige Herstelling:  Un débat encore ouvert."  Achttiende Eeuw 27 (1997), 17-34




"Ego-histoire and beyond:  Contemporary French Historian-Autobiographers," in French Historical Studies 19 (1996), 1139-67


"Political Communication in the German Enlightenment:  Gottlob Benedikt von Schirach's Politische Journal," in Eighteenth-Century Life 20 (1996), 24-41




"Dutch Patriots, French Journalists, and Declarations of Rights:  The Leidse Ontwerp of 1785 and its Diffusion in France," in Historical Journal 38 (1995) 553-65

"Media and Revolutionary Crises," in J. Popkin, ed., Media and Revolution (Lexington, Ky.:  University Press of Kentucky, 1995), 12-30


"Lessons from a Symposium," in in J. Popkin, ed., Media and Revolution (Lexington, Ky.:  University Press of Kentucky, 1995), 1-11 (with Jack Censer)


"The American Historian of France and the 'Other,'" in Wolfgang Natter, Theodore Schatzki and John Paul Jones, eds., Objectivity and its Other (New York:  Guilford Press, 1995), 93-110




"The Business of Political Enlightenment in France," in John Brewer and Roy Porter, eds., Consumption and the World of Goods (London:  Routledge, 1993) 412-36


"L'Histoire de la presse ancienne:  bilan et perspectives," in Henri Duranton, ed., Les gazettes européennes de langue française (Saint-Etienne:  Publications de l'Université de Saint-Etienne, 1993), 299-311


"Citizenship and the Press in the French Revolution," in Renée Waldinger, ed., The French Revolution and the Meaning of Citizenship (Westport, Ct.: Greenwood Press, 1993), 123-35


"'Made in U.S.A.':  Les historiens français d'outre-Atlantique et leur histoire."  Revue d'histoire moderne et contemporaine 40 (1993), 303-20.


"The Provincial Newspaper Press and Revolutionary Politics," in French Historical Studies 18 (1993) 434-56





"Print Culture in the Netherlands on the Eve of Revolution," in Margaret C. Jacob and Wijnand W. Mijnhardt, eds., The Dutch Republic in the Eighteenth Century:  Decline, Enlightenment, and Revolution (Ithaca, N.Y.:  Cornell University Press, 1992) 273-91.


"The Concept of Public Opinion in the Historiography of the French Revolution:  A Critique."  Storia della storiografia 20 (1992), 77-92


"La presse et les événements politiques en France, 1789-1799," in Mélanges de l'Ecole française de Rome 104 (1992) 161-73







"Periodical Publication and the Nature of Knowledge in Eighteenth-Century Europe," in Donald Kelley and Richard Popkin, eds., The Shape of Knowledge from the Middle Ages to the Enlightenment (Leiden: Kluwer, 1991) 203-13


"The Elite Press in the French Revolution:  The Gazette de Leyde and the Gazette universelle," in Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century 287 (1991), 85-98






"Pictures in a Revolution:  Recent publications on graphic art in France, 1789-1799" (review essay), in Eighteenth-Century Studies 24 (1990), 251-9


"The Press and the French Revolution after Two Hundred Years," in French Historical Studies 16 (1990) 664-83


"German Opinion and the Dutch Patriot Movement, 1781-1787," in Lessing Yearbook 26 (1990) 96-111


(with Dale Van Kley)  "The Pre-Revolutionary Debate."  Introduction to section 5 in Colin Lucas, ed., The French Revolution Research Collection.  Oxford:  Pergamon Press, 1990.  Pp. 22.


"Une reprise en main et un nouveau départ:  les journaux de 1794 à 1807," in Pierre Rétat, ed., Textologie du Journal (Paris: Minard, 1990) 83-98


"Social Theory and Gothic Horror in the Writings of Simon-Nicolas-Henri Linguet," in Jonathan I. Israel and David S. Katz, eds., Sceptics, Millenarians and Jews (Leiden: Brill, 1990), 275-86.





"Pamphlet Journalism at the End of the Old Regime," in Eighteenth-Century Studies 22 (1989) 351-67


      "Journals:  The New Face of News," in Robert Darnton and Daniel Roche, eds., Revolution in Print (Berkeley:  University of California Press, 1989) 141-164.

"The Directory and the Republican Press:  The Case of the Ami des Lois," in History of European Ideas, special issue on French Revolution and press, 10 (1989), 429-42


"Le Paris révolutionnaire dans le système journalistique européen," in Pierre Rétat, ed., La Révolution du Journal 1788-1794 (Paris:  Editions du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 1989), 109-116.


"Joseph Fiévée, imprimeur, écrivain, journaliste:  une carrière dans le monde du livre pendant la Révolution," in Frédéric Barbier et al., eds., Mélanges de la Bibliothèque de la Sorbonne, no. 9:  Livre et Révolution (Paris:  Aux Amateurs de livres, 1989) 63-74


"From Dutch Republican to French Monarchist:  Antoine-Marie Cerisier and the Age of Revolution," in Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis 102 (1989) 534-44




"Umbruch und Kontinuität der französischen Presse im Revolutionszeitalter."  In Rolf Reichardt, ed., Die Französische Revolution als Umbruch des gesellschaftlichen Bewusstseins (Munich: Oldenbourg, 1988) 167-74


"Un journaliste face au marché des périodiques à la fin du dix-huitième siècle:  Linguet et ses Annales politiques."  In Hans Bots, ed., La Diffusion et la lecture des journaux de langue française sous l'ancien régime (Amsterdam and Maarssen: APA-Holland University Press, 1988) 11-19




"The Prerevolutionary Origins of Political Journalism," in Keith Baker, ed., The Political Culture of the Old Regime (Oxford: Pergamon, 1987) 203-223

*Reprinted in Jack R. Censer, ed., The French Revolution and Intellectual History (Chicago:  Dorsey Press, 1989), 110-33


"Candide in the College History Survey Course."  In Renée Waldinger, ed., Approaches to Teaching Voltaire's Candide (New York: Modern Language Association, 1987) 100-104


"Recent West German Scholarship on the French Revolution," in Journal of Modern History 59 (1987), 737-750


(with Jack R. Censer) "Historians and the Press." In Jack R. Censer and Jeremy Popkin, eds., Press and Politics in Pre-Revolutionary France (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1987), 1-23


            "The Gazette de Leyde and French Politics, 1774‑1789."  In Jack R. Censer and Jeremy Popkin, eds., Press and Politics in Pre-Revolutionary France, 75-132     





"Buchhandel und Presse im napoleonischen Deutschland." Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesens 26 (1986) 285‑296




"International Gazettes and Politics of Europe in the Revolutionary Period." Journalism Quarterly 62 (1985) 482‑88






"Les journaux républicains, 1795‑1799."  Revue d'Histoire moderne et contemporaine 31 (1984) 143‑57


"Conservatism under Napoleon:  The Political Writings of Joseph Fiévée." History of European Ideas 5 (1984) 385‑400


"The Book Trades in Western Europe during the Revolutionary Era."  Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 78 (1984) 403‑45


"Les Abonnés des journaux nantais en 1807." Annales de Bretagne 91 (1984) 385-91




"Zionism and the Enlightenment:  The 'Letter of a Jew to his Brethren.'" Jewish Social Studies 43 (1981) 113‑120




"The Newspaper Press in French Political Thought, 1789‑1799."  Studies in Eighteenth‑Century Culture 10 (1980) 113‑33


"The Journalists of the Directory:  An Opinion‑Making Elite."  Proceedings of the Consortium on Revolutionary Europe (1980), 1:3‑12   



"The Royalist Press in the Reign of Terror." Journal of Modern History 51 (1979) 685‑700 (reprinted in T. C. W. Blanning, ed., The Rise and Fall of the French Revolution (Chicago:  University of Chicago Press, 1996), 417-32).


"The French Revolutionary Press:  New Findings and New Perspectives."  Eighteenth Century Life 5 (1979) 90‑104   



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