History 323:  The Holocaust                   Essay Assignment #2                    Prof. J. Popkin


Due Date:  Thurs., Mar. 6


Write a 750-1000 (3-4 pp doublespaced) word essay on one of the following questions.  Your essay should be based on the material in our class readings and lectures for the period 11 Feb.—6 Mar.  As always in a history class, you should give footnotes or citations in parentheses to indicate the sources of your information, especially when quoting directly.


  1. The period from Nov. 1938 to June 1941 is often considered an “intermediate period” in the unfolding of the Holocaust, different from both the experience of the German Jews up to Kristallnacht and from what was to happen when the stage of outright killing began after the invasion of Russia.  What were the characteristics of the treatment of the Jews during this “intermediate period”?  How and why was the treatment inflicted on Jews in Poland different from what had happened to the Jews in Germany?


  1. Explain the significance of the documents on the start of the killing process in Dawidowicz, pp. 68-82.  What do they tell us about the roles of the German Army (Wehrmacht), the Einsatzgruppen, and other parts of the German government in carrying out the ‘Final Solution’?  Was the Wannsee Conference of January 1942 the moment when the ‘Final Solution’ was officially planned?  Why, or why not?