TEL 555 - Mission Impossible Pop Quiz
Due: Tuesday, May 29th in class (NOT 11.26.00)

Here is your mission:

1. Join and play in a MOO, MUD or MUCK etc... For a list of MUD's check out Yahoo's list of MUD's (Here is where it fits in their categorization scheme: Home > Recreation > Games > Computer Games > Internet Games > MUDs, MUSHes, MOOs, etc. Be sure to pick one that allows you to play via the web. You should not need to download anything. You may have to explore more than one in order find a MUD that can be instantly played with a browser. Explore the site before actually starting the game and try to figure out how to play before entering the game space. In other words read the directions. Click here for an example screen shot of what it should look like once you enter the game. If you know how to use a graphic user interface with games like Doom or Quake feel free to substitute that as your MUD experience.

2. While you are in the MUD think about the Turkle article, and try to relate your own experiences when you are playing.

3. Write a one page essay about this experience while considering Turkle and your general perspectives on identity and community. Be prepared to discuss this in class on Tuesday, May 29th.

4. Do not spend more than 2 hours on this. The idea is for this assignment to act as an experiential learning activity in addition to our scheduled class. If you have trouble connecting or other technical difficulties, write about that.

5. Have fun.

If you chose to accept this mission, you will earn up to 5 points on pop quiz #2.

TEL555 schedule