TEL 555

Postmodern Perspectives

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Some interesting sites on postmodernity (a few of thousands):

·         Dueling Paradigms:  Modernist V. Postmodernist Thought for a good review of the differences between modernism and postmodernism

·         Notes on: Jean-François Lyotard, The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge

·         Postmodern Culture is a journal devoted to postmodern issues

·         The Self-Referential Simpsons Page is a postmodern look at “The Simpsons”

·         The Society of the Spectacle by Guy Debord


·         The Postmodern Generator




Postmodernism and writing


The Postmodern Condition

Jameson: postmodern aesthetic comes from the marketplace

Historical Background

·         Critique of modernism

·         Modernism: knowledge based on rationality; cognitive approach

·         Postmodernism: knowledge based on the communicative subject; semiotic approach


Tenants of Modernity

·         Modernity refers to the last three hundred years of Western history during which many of the current ideas were developed.

·         Reason and rationality

·         Progress, linearity, universalism

·         Cognitive subject

·         Science and material progress

·         Representation

·         Truth

·         Human center

·         Cartesian mind/body split

·         Spectator and spectacle

·         Metanarratives


Postmodernism critique of modernism

·         No single truth

·         Flexibility

·         Historical and cultural processes over reason

·         Centerless

·         Capitalism problems

·         Progress not equal linear growth

·         Mind/body are one and/or multiple

·         Economic/material measure is inadequate

·         Aesthetics

·         Rhizomatic NOT depth


Generally, postmodernism is:

·         The disappearance of authority, unity, continuity, purpose, and commitment

·         The emergence of complexity, multiplicity, fragmentation, resistance, negation, rupture, and irreverence for any specific goal or point of view

·         Deep purpose and deep commitment no longer exist, and hedonism seems to be the prevalent way of life


Attempts to define postmodernism is discouraged and frowned upon by postmodern theorists


Some Postmodern Conditions

·         Hyperreality and simulation (Baudrillard) – Think of The Matrix

·         Lack of transparent technologies

·         Pastiche

·         Chaos/random/nonlinear

·         Fragmentation (Decentering of the Subject)

·         Visual Styles and Imagery

·         Multiplicity

·         Social and self construction

·         Play and fantasy



Slides on Postmodernism and Reality Television

(optimized for Internet Explorer)



McLuhan “the medium is the message”






Presence, multiple senses, real time, e.g.-Memory Palaces

Holistic, phenomenon


Out of context, visual, fixed time and space, compression, reproduction

Abstract, science, truth, legal, systems


Telepresence, multiple senses, mediation, fixed and fluid, reproducible

Global village, collective unconscious, sense of self



Hayles Toward Embodied Virtuality



·         Information over material

·         Consciousness/identity constructed

·         Prosthesis

·         Humans and machines

·         “The posthuman subject is an amalgam, a collection of heterogeneous components, a material-information entity who boundaries undergo continuous construction an d reconstruction” (p.3).


Early cybernetics research – show that machines could function like humans

·         Homeostasis, feedback loops and reflexivity

·         Blurring of the distinction between observer and system


Second wave cybernetics

·         Self organizing and self making

·         Feedback loops are questioned


Third wave cybernetics

·         Capacity to learn and evolve


What does it mean to be posthuman?

·         Humans are embodied beings

·         Where the body is constructed

·         Unknowing part of a system

·         Similar to artificial intelligence

·         Conscious agency is flexible (think about Turkle and identity)

·         If humans are part of a distribute system, connections with machines are possible mechanisms to relate to outside (environmental) factors

·         Expands the parameters of human consciousness




Turkle “A Tale of Two Aesthetics”


“The dynamic, layered display gives me the comforting sense that I write in conversation with my computer” (p.29).


·         Computational seduction/conversations with computers

·         Projection of self into machines

·         Hackers, Hobbyists, and Users

·         Macintosh

o        Opaque, graphic simulations (icons)

o        Conversational (friendly) experience

o        Allowed more tinkering/experimentation


Macintosh (postmodern) and IBM/DOS (modern)


Objects to Think With

·         New ways to think and communication

·         Icons as simulacrum

·         Surface level interactions (e.g. a desktop)

·         A vehicle to exist in a postmodern world



Nichols – “The Work of Culture in the Age of Cybernetic Systems”


Benjamin and the transformation of art – loss of the aura, reproducibility, and politics of the masses

New ways of seeing and perception

Montage – combines multiple realities into another new form


Cybernetic systems and electronic culture

Interface as reality

Simulation as substance

Digitization is culture: “the chip replaces the copy”

There are no originals, only copies – simulacrum

Cybernetics as reality simulation (Matrix)



Sobchack – “The Scene of the Screen”


Contemporary “sense” is rooted in the presence of the screen (cinematic and electronic display) (think Turkle)


Microperceptual aspects of our engagement with technology


·         Photograph: and “fixed” meaning

·         Moving picture: as a subject itself – a narrative, description, theme, etc…

o        A visual synthesis of perception

·         Electronic: separation of perception from reality

o        Importance of presence and a lack of nostalgia for the past and future