Yield Loss Prediction Tool for Field-Specific Risk Management of Asian Soybean Rust

Project Updates - Kentucky March 2007

USA, Lexington Kentucky - July 13th, 2007 (Joe Omielan) - Project Update

This is a resistant leaflet with red brown, non-sporulating lesions.

photo showing  non SBR susceptible plant with reddish-brown lesions clearly evident on the soybean plant leaves

This is a susceptible leaflet with tan, sporulating lesions.

photo showing susceptible plant with tan SBR lesions producing spores clearly evident on the soybean plant leaves

The LI 6400 was used to measure the photosynthetic rates of control and infected leaves.

photo showing LI 6400 device clamped onto a test plant leaf to measure photosynthetic rate

Backlit photos were taken of the leaf area measured by the LI 6400. This is an example of a heavily infected leaflet. Dr. Claudia Godoy is quantifying the diseased areas on the images from this trial and from her trials in Brazil.

photo showing heavy infection on a backlit leaflet

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