Sub-Group TSNA in Air-cured Tobacco

Chair:  Gary Palmer, University of Kentucky 


1.  (Modified) Adopt a standardized nornicotine seed screening protocol.

(Original)  Develop a standardized nornicotine screening protocol so that baseline levels of nornicotine are comparable in tobacco seed varieties used by investigators.

It was determined by the TSNA Sub-Group that a standardized nornicotine testing protocol is not necessary due to the low standard deviation found among laboratories. However,  
a standardized screening protocol was discussed at the Agronomy/Phytopathology meeting in Brazil.  A proposal was made at the TSNA meeting in Brazil that a screening protocol developed by the University of Kentucky be accepted by the CORESTA Scientific Commission.  However, there were some concerns that use of the term LC added to a variety could violate international re-release laws without adequate justification that the re-release was sufficiently different from the original.  This matter will be revisited once final details of the screening protocol have been released.  At that time University of Kentucky personnel under the leadership of Anne Jack will assist any CORESTA member with the details of the protocol.

2.  Develop guidelines or suggested critical survey questions for farmer practice surveys so that results can be compared within and between tobacco origins.

 A survey has been developed for use by those interesting in comparing TSNA levels with grower production practices.

3.  Develop a collaborative study to investigate standard deviation for moisture content within farmer marketing packages among origins.

While moisture in a marketing package is an important issue, variability within the package was not considered to be as important.  See Objective 6 for more potential study of tobacco storage and ventilation.  

4.  Develop a collaborative study which uses hobo loggers or a suitable substitute to collect curing conditions and possible impact of TSNA levels for tobaccos of diverse origins and curing environments. Attempt to standardize placement of equipment and sample protocols.

STATUS:  Nearing completion, all trials have concluded
Data recovered and analysis in progress.

5.  To resolve sample handling of post cure tobacco for TSNA determination.

Sampling Protocol was submitted to Scientific Commission for review. (See details
TSNA Sampling Protocol)

6.  To review the issues of post cure tobacco storage and ventilation parameters.

Experiments have been conducted and data collected.  Some analysis completed.  Preliminary report expected at Agro/Phyto meeting in Krakow, Poland.

Sub Committees:

Objective 1 - Chair, Lowell Bush, University of Kentucky:  Preliminary Report doc Data ppt

Objective 2 - Chair, George Scott, Universal Leaf:   Grower Survey 

Objective 3 - Dropped.  

Objective 4 - Chair, Vacant  Progress Report doc Progress Report ppt

Objective 5 - Chair, Marlene Adams, R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company: TSNA Sampling Protocol

Objective 6 - Chair, Lowell Bush, University of Kentucky Progress Report

 Liaison  with TSRC Analytical Methods Committee - Cliff Bennett
Tobacco Specific Nitrosamine Collaborative Study


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For problems or questions regarding this web site, please contact Gary Palmer
Last Update: 11/21/07