Welcome to the University of Kentucky 2011-2015 Diversity Plan!
In September 2010 the Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education (CPE) adopted the Kentucky Public Postsecondary Education Diversity Policy and Framework for Institutional Diversity Plan Development. This CPE Diversity Policy requires each public postsecondary education institution in the Commonwealth to develop a five-year diversity plan that addresses student body diversity, achievement gaps, workforce diversity, and campus climate.
The University of Kentucky 2011-2015 Diversity Plan establishes student objectives consistent with the UK Strategic Plan, and employment objectives based on the UK Affirmative Action Plan. The Diversity Plan includes narratives describing many of the programs, services, and initiatives that support attainment of our institutional objectives.
Under the leadership of so many university officials, and contributions of every faculty, staff, and students, the University of Kentucky strives to build and maintain an inclusive and welcoming campus community.
The University of Kentucky proudly presents this 2011-2015 Diversity Plan in compliance with the Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education: Kentucky Public Postsecondary Education Diversity Policy and Framework for Institutional Diversity Plan Development.