Plate I: Invertebrate primer

Lithographic Plates from Kentucky Fossil Shells, cephalopod, pelecypod, pteropod, cnidarian, brachiopod, gastropod

This plate was used as a primer for invertebrate classification.

Figure Number Genus and species Phyllum or Class
1 Baculites anceps Lamark cephalopod
2 Turrilites costatus Lamark cephalopod
3 Cytherea chione Linne pelecypod
4 Hyalaea tridentata Lamark pteropod
5 Conularia trentonensis Hall cnidarian
6, 25 Waldheimia australis King brachiopod
7 Rhynchonella ptissacea Chemnitz brachiopod
8 Athyris concentrica Buch brachiopod
9 Spirifera striata Sowerby brachiopod
10 Ampullaria bolteniana Chemnitz gastropod
11 Chiton squamosus Linne polyplacophorans (molluscs)
12 Sepia officinalis Linne cephalopod
13 Helix desertorum Fosskal gastropod
14 Fascioloria tulipa Linne gastropod
15 Fusus antiquus Mueller gastropod
16 Belemnitella mucronata Sowerby cephalopod
17 Modiola lithophaga Linne pelecypod
18 Goniatites henslowi Sowerby cephalopod
19 Ceratites nodosus Bruguiere cephalopod
20 Glycimeris siliqua Chemnitz pelecypod
21 Paludina listeri Hanley gastropod
22, 26 Terebratula dorsata Smelin brachiopod
23 Triton corrugatus Lamark gastropod
24 Nautilus pompilius cephalopod





Last Modified on 2023-01-05
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