Arpin elected to serve on National Cave and Karst Research Institute board of directors
Sarah Arpin, karst hydrogeologist and manager of the Kentucky Groundwater Data Repository at the Kentucky Geological Survey, was elected to the board of directors for the National Cave and Karst Research Institute. NCKRI is a nonprofit government-supported institute, headquartered in Carlsbad, New Mexico, which aims to be the world's premier cave and karst research organization by conducting, supporting, facilitating, and promoting programs in research, education, environmental management, and data acquisition and sharing.
Arpin will serve a three-year term as one of 15 board members on the NCKRI Directorate. It is the purpose of the Directorate to:
- further cave and karst science
- standardize and centralize information about caves and karst
- foster interdisciplinary cave and karst research
- protect the environment for the benefit of caves and karst and promote sustainable resource management practices
- comply with and advance the purposes of the National Cave and Karst Research Institute Act of 1998.
Each member of the Directorate serves on one of NCKRI's standing committees. Arpin, who will serve on the Research Committee says, "I am excited for the opportunity to serve on the board because I see many parallels between the purpose and mission of both NCKRI and KGS and believe the two complement each other well." She hopes that the knowledge gained in each role will be beneficial to both organizations.