Have you done geologic research related to human health issues? Consider sending an abstract for the December AGU meeting
KGS geologist Bethany Overfield is working with UK and U.S. Geological Survey colleagues to organize the technical session “Origin, Transport, and Accumulation of Geogenic Carcinogens” at the 2017 American Geophysical Union fall meeting in New Orleans this December. Her co-organizers are KGS Director Bill Haneberg, USGS Associate Director for Environmental Health Geoff Plumlee, and UK College of Nursing Professor Ellen Hahn.
Overfield and Hahn are collaborating on projects that use geology as a predictive tool to assess radon potential in Kentucky in an effort to promote home radon testing.
Details and a description of the AGU session can be found here. This session, in the Public Affairs focus group, will cover a range of topics focusing on the intersection between human health and earth sciences.
If your research highlights geologic factors such as bedrock geology, surficial geology, and geologic processes and their impact on carcinogen origin, transport, and accumulation, please consider submitting an abstract by Wednesday, August 2.
Abstracts can be uploaded at the meeting’s submission website.