KGS now provides quadrangle data available for free download on its website
GIS data for Kentucky’s individual 7.5-minute quadrangles is beneficial for community planning and land use, transportation, academic research, and a host of other uses. Until recently, users had to purchase the data on CDs from KGS at $10 for each quadrangle. But KGS has now made the shapefiles for the individual Digitally Vectorized Geologic Quadrangles available for download for free from its website.
The complete list of the data is available on the Survey’s publications page. Users looking for a particular DVGQ can search for it by name on the KGS advanced publications search page and select “Digitally Vectorized Geologic Quadrangle” from the list in the publication series drop-down box on that page.
All of Kentucky’s 1:24,000-scale geologic map data, compiled into a statewide data set, have been available here since last year. The statewide data set contains the mapped faults, geologic units, and geologic contacts. But the individual data sets contain more data, including structure contours, structural measurements, fossil locations, and economic points, if the data are available.
Access to the free data has now been made easier for users of the KGS geologic map service. When the users click on a geologic feature to identify it in the map service, they can find a direct link for downloading the DVGQ data for the quadrangle they are viewing.