Governor Appoints New Board Members to the KGS Advisory Board

We are pleased to welcome this year’s appointees to the Kentucky Geological Survey Advisory Board. The board consists of 12 Kentucky citizens appointed by the governor to staggered three-year terms, along with the KGS director and state geologist, who serves as an ex officio member.

Gov. Andy Beshear made this year’s appointments in Executive Order 2020-767, signed on Sept. 16, 2020. The terms of the following board members expire Sept. 1, 2023:

  • Timothy L. Crumbie of Lexington, a consulting geologist, was newly appointed.
  • Faith Fiene of Lexington, a retired geologist, was newly appointed.
  • John T. Popp of Wilmore, a retired geologist, was reappointed.
  • Douglas W. Reynolds of Owensboro, a petroleum geologist, was reappointed.

Karen Thompson, a consulting geologist from Harrodsburg, and Mark Ayers, a retired hydrologist from Louisville, stepped down from the board this year. We are grateful for their service to KGS and the Commonwealth.




Last Modified on 2023-01-05
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