KGS publishes reports evaluating how geologic units correspond to maintenance and repair costs for Kentucky roads

Roads built in areas prone to geologic hazards like landslides, rockfalls, and sinkholes often have higher maintenance and repair costs. KGS geologists used data from the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet and our own geologic map data to determine how different bedrock types are related to maintenance and repair costs. You can read about their results in a newly released series of reports, one for each KYTC district.

According to retired KGS associate director Jerry Weisenfluh, who was one of the report authors, “Landsides, rockfalls, and sinkholes have an enormous impact on Kentucky’s roadways every year, as well as on private and public property. These reports include a rare quantification of the costs associated with these events and place them into the context of the state’s geologic formations.”

The Transportation Cabinet also appreciates the new reports. Bart Asher, recently retired director of the KYTC Division of Structural Design, says, “Getting a handle on maintenance costs and making decisions about where to allocate taxpayer dollars in a needs-rich environment can be a daunting task. KGS has proven in the past to be capable problem solvers for the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet. The work that was completed in these reports, tracking the costs of landslides, sinkholes, and rockfalls, will, it is hoped, lay the groundwork for more decision-making tools in the future.” The new reports are available free of charge through the publications section of our web site.

Last Modified on 2023-01-05
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