Administration Section

Kati Ellis
Ellis, Kathryn
Head, Administrative Section
- Kentucky Geological Survey
- 228 Mining and Mineral Resources Bldg.
- University of Kentucky
- Lexington, KY 40506-0107
- Joined KGS in 2008
- Area of Expertise financial and human resources management
- (859) 323-0504

Ambre Armstrong
Armstrong, Ambre
Administrative Support Associate
- Kentucky Geological Survey
- 228 Mining and Mineral Resources Bldg.
- University of Kentucky
- Lexington, KY 40506-0107
- (859) 323-0521

Cheyenne Hohman
Hohman, Cheyenne
Publication Resources Curator
- Kentucky Geological Survey
- 228 Mining and Mineral Resources Bldg.
- University of Kentucky
- Lexington, KY 40506-0107
- (859) 257-3896

Gwen Phillips
Phillips, Gwen
Staff Support Associate
- Kentucky Geological Survey
- 228 Mining and Mineral Resources Bldg.
- University of Kentucky
- Lexington, KY 40506-0107
- (859) 323-0522