Columbus, GA
Mileage 79.3 miles
Max. 29.1 mph
Avg. 12.97 mph

Highways remain dangerous--I had no less than five close calls today. That was more than the past 27 days put together. Early on I was out in Montgomery morning rush hour traffic and evening rush in Phenix City/Columbus. In between, the road had no shoulder and truck traffic especially was heavy.

Over the course of the day I must have become more cautious and hugged the side more closely. That just compounded the problem. Cars could sneak by and truckers could exploit their advantage. A more aggressive position further out in the lane that forced everyone around me seemed to squelch the crowding that I find so threatening. Staying out there is difficult though because it means I hassle everyone behind me to protect myself.

My experiences with the hazards of biking are shared everyday by most anyone who wishes to assert their right by law to travel on the highways. Changing how we spend our road funds is good first step, and that's happening. State Rails to Trails organizations are helping to establish bike trails too and that will help. But more fundamentally, vehicle drivers need a makeover in attitude so they share the road. Our driver training and examination system could help with that much needed transition.

The day did have its positive moments. I had three interviews (two TV and one newspaper). The Mayor of Tuskegee drove up just as filming began. He introduced himself and welcomed me to the city. As we shook hands, I pulled him into camera view, and I think he appreciated that bit of exposure.

One more name was added to the list of fraternal organizations I've seen along the way (moose, elk, lions, masons, woodsmen, eagles, buckmasters, VFW). Where are the women's equivalents to these organizations?

Armadillo shells still can be seen along the roadside.

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