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Foreign Language & International Economics

The Foreign Language and International Economics major combines economics with proficiency in languages such as;  Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Russian, Italian, or Spanish and prepares students for a future in...

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The forestry major is a professional degree program and is the only one in Kentucky accredited by the Society of American Foresters. We are looking for students who share our passion for forests, wildlife, and other natural...

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  • BS

Gender and Women's Studies

Gender and Women’s Studies began as a field of study that honored women’s perspectives in a world that neglected them, and has grown to analyze gender in relation to race, class, sexuality, citizenship, age, and physical...

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  • BA

Gender and Women's Studies - Minor

A minor is a structured group of courses that leads to considerable knowledge and understanding of a subject, although with less depth than a major. Some employers consider minors desirable, and the corresponding major...

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  • Minor


Geographers work in a variety of fields, leveraging data and fieldwork to understand our dynamic planet, including its environmental, economic, social, and political systems. Geographers explore the world through...

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  • BS

Geography - Minor

Geographers work in a variety of fields, leveraging data and fieldwork to understand our dynamic planet, including its environmental, economic, social, and political systems. Geographers explore the world through...

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  • Minor

Geological Sciences - Minor

Geological Sciences encompass a variety of types of studies of the Earth, including composition, structure, prehistoric life, internal and surficial processes, and geological history. These studies have applications in the...

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  • Minor

Health Advocacy

With an increasingly complex and dynamic health care system in the United States and an aging population, the need is growing for an informed group of health advocates who are qualified to advise patients and their families...

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  • Minor

Health Education Teacher Education

Do you want an interesting career where you make a difference every day? Teaching Health Education is a great choice!  

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  • BS

Health Promotion (Non-Teaching)

Are you interested in how lifestyle affects health, or do you pay close attention to the latest health news? Are you concerned about lifestyle trends that may be impacting the health of our communities? 

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  • BS

Health Promotion - Minor

Health promotion is a process that enables individuals, groups, and communities to become empowered to take control of their health.

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  • Minor

Health, Society & Populations

The Health, Society, and Populations (HSP) B.A. degree provides graduates with a broad liberal-arts education, in addition to a concentration on social science based approaches to understanding health outcomes and...

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  • BA

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