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Music (Liberal Arts)

The Bachelor of Arts in Music provides the flexibility multidisciplinary students need with a grounding in music theory, history and performance. Popular with students pursuing double majors, the BA in Music provides a...

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  • BA

Music Education

Music Education provides students with a strong foundation in music performance, history and theory along with the theory and practices of music education. Music Education graduates are prepared for careers in K-12 music...

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  • BMME

Music Performance

Music Performance students are trained as professional musicians with a strong foundation in music theory and history. Students will perform with various ensembles and benefit from private lessons with our renowned faculty ...

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  • BM

Natural Resources & Environmental Science

The Natural Resources and Environmental Science (NRES) major is an interdisciplinary program that provides the knowledge, skills, and field experiences necessary for a career in environmental science, natural resource...

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  • BS


Neuroscience is the study of how the brain works to generate behavioral outcomes using sensory inputs.  It is a field of study that is expanding at a national and international level due to the rapid development of...

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  • BS

Nursing (Four Year BSN)

The BSN program at the UK College of Nursing graduates professionals who are ready to meet the ever-changing challenges of today’s health care needs. Students graduate with a solid foundation of nursing knowledge obtained...

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  • BSN
students in a compounding lab

Pharmaceutical Sciences

The Bachelor of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences (BSPS) program is a comprehensive and multidisciplinary undergraduate program designed to equip students with the foundational knowledge and skills necessary for careers in...

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  • BSPS


Philosophy encourages critical and systematic inquiry into fundamental questions of right and wrong, truth and falsehood, the meaning of life, and the nature of reality, knowledge, and society. Philosophy explores the core...

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  • BA

Physical Education Teacher Education

Would you love a career that involves being active and making a difference in kids' lives?   You can be empowered to make a positive impact on the health of younger generations, all through movement and fun! The Physical...

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  • BS


Physics is the study of matter, energy, motion, and force. Many students study physics because they enjoy it, and they find that physics is exciting and intellectual stimulating.  Physics majors develop the problem-solving...

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  • BA
  • BS

Political Science

Political science majors explore issues of cooperation, power, conflict, and justice. Students will study theories of government and the development of political systems along with the role of groups and individuals within...

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  • BA
  • BS
student working on a 3D product model

Product Design

Product design is a strategic problem-solving process that drives innovation, builds business success, and leads to a better quality of life through innovative products, systems, services, and experiences. It combines...

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  • BS

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