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Sustainable Agriculture and Community Food Systems

The world needs ambitious change-makers to maximize and maintain global food production in an ethical, effective manner. If you want to be a part of that solution, this degree is for you.

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  • BS


Students get hands-on training and one-on-one mentorship from a professional theatre faculty. Our liberal arts focus is coupled with ongoing career counseling to ensure successful transition from campus to professional life...

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  • BA

Topical Studies

A Topical Studies major offers academic flexibility and allows students to approach a topic from multiple departmental perspectives, constructing a meaningful and imaginative program. Each topical major is designed and...

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  • BA
  • BS

US Culture and Business Practices

A US Culture and Business Practices degree is an interdisciplinary program of study that combines robust training in the history, politics, arts, and culture of the United States with a more traditional Business and Finance...

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  • BA

Writing, Rhetoric & Digital Studies

Rhetoric is the study of written, oral, and digital communication. Rhetoric teaches you how to argue, persuade, inform, and express for a variety of professional and personal reasons. Rhetoric teaches you how to invent,...

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  • BA
  • BS

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