
Linking Canvas to the UK Bookstore

  • Login to Canvas with your faculty credentials.
  • Choose the course you are teaching from your dashboard.
  • Click on Settings from the left-hand navigation bar.
  • Click on the Navigation tab.
    • Drag Purchase Course Materials from the list of hidden tools to the active course navigation menu, and select Save.
  • On your navigation bar, you and your students will see the Purchase Course Materials link.
    • Purchase Course Materials - This link takes your students to the UK Bookstore, where they will sign in with their UK Bookstore credential or create a new account. Once there, they will see the materials selected for your course in all available formats (e.g., new, used, rental, or digital).

Disabling Pop-Up Blockers

Students may need to disable their pop-up blockers the first time they access B&N through Canvas. Please provide them with the following instructions depending on which browser they use.

For more information and technical support

Please contact the UK Bookstore for more information. You may contact the Bookstore team - Dave, Mo, or Cassie - with any questions or comments at