Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination



To ensure that the UK MS4 community has a thorough awareness of illicit discharges and their impact to water quality.


Permit Requirements

Discharges that occur during dry weather can significantly contribute pollutants to receiving streams. These illicit discharges must be detected and eliminated through a program that consists of the following:

  • An ordinance or other regulatory mechanism that prohibits illicit discharges to the MS4
  • A comprehensive storm-sewer map that is regularly updated and contains the following:
    • The MS4 System including all catch basins, pipes, ditches, flood control facilities, and post-construction BMPs
    • The location of all known major outfalls
    • The names and locations of all surface waters that receive discharges from the major outfalls
  • A written plan to address illicit discharges (including illegal dumping) that includes:
    • Procedures for locating priority areas likely to have illicit discharges
    • Procedures for visual dry-weather outfall screenings
    • A mechanism and protocols for the public reporting of spills and discharges
    • Procedures for the investigation of complaints
    • Timeframes for the investigation and removal of illicit discharges
    • Procedures for tracing the source of an illicit discharge
    • Procedures for removing the source of a discharge
    • Procedures for IDDE program evaluation and assessment including tracking the number and type of spills/discharges inspected and identified
  • A mechanism and protocols for the public reporting of spills and other discharges
  • Training for staff on the identification and reporting of illicit discharges
  • Procedures for notifying the Division of Water in the instance a sanitary sewer line failure or defect is a source to the MS4
  • Procedures for the remediation of a sanitary sewer overflow
  • Tracking of activities related to the MCM to document permit compliance and prepare for the annual report



Activities that are part of the University’s Stormwater Quality Management Plan include:

  • Maintaining and updating the MS4 and Utility Maps annually/as necessary
  • Developing procedures for the recording and reporting of the MS4 boundary expansion
  • Reviewing and updating the IDDE plan
  • Developing SSO protocols and resolution timeframes
  • Conducting annual outfall inspections
  • Evaluating the need for routine water quality monitoring and developing monitoring plans as needed
  • Development of an online illicit discharge reporting tool and mapping system
  • Updating staff training on illicit discharge identification and reporting


For more information regarding the University’s efforts to meet these MCM requirements please see our SWQMP and Annual Report sections. Here you will find information about our planned tasks, measurable goals, and scheduling as well as information on activities conducted each year. To learn more about Illicit Discharges on campus please visit our Illicit Discharges page.