How do I access my TCEs?

To view the Teacher Course Evaluations you must login with your linkblue id.

There are 3 ways to access TCEs:

  • Email: Students receive three emails with a link to their TCEs: invitation, 1st reminder and final reminder.
  • Blue Portal: Students may also access TCEs at
    • Login using your UK LinkBlue ID and password.
    • If prompted to “Select User Group”, be sure to select Users.
    • You should see a list of courses you are able to evaluate.
    • Click on a course to complete the evaluation.
  • Canvas: Only course shells that have had the Teacher Course Evaluation navigation item enabled by an instructor will allow students to click a link to access the TCE for the course from Canvas. If there is not a Teacher Course Evaluation navigation item in your course, we suggest you ask the instructor if they plan on making the TCE access available in Canvas.