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Limenitis archippus

Wing span: 
2 1/2 to 3 3/8  inches 

Caterpillar hosts plants: 
catkins and leaves of willows, Salix; poplars, cottonwood, and aspen, Populus; apple, Malus; plum and wild cherry, Prunus

Adult food:  
early season when few flowers are available: aphid honeydew, carrion, decaying fungi, dung, sap, rotting fruit; later nectar of:  aster, Aster; thistle, Cirsium; goldenrod, Solidago; Joe-pye weed, Eupatorium; milkweed, Asclepias

open or shrubby areas including, lake and swamp edges, roadsides, valley bottoms, wet meadows, willow thickets  

males perch or patrol to locate females, females lay eggs in twos or threes at the tip of host leaves, hibernate as third-stage caterpillars, puddles, mimics the poisonous monarch. 

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