Zebra swallowtail

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Zebra swallowtail

Zebra swallowtail 
Eurytides marcellus

Wing span: 
2 1/2 to 4  inches  

Caterpillar hosts plants: 
leaves of hornbeam, Carpinus; pawpaw, Asiminia; spicebush, Lindera; tulip tree, Liriodendron

Adult food:  
nectar of blackberry, Rubus; blueberry, Vaccinium; dogbane, Apocynum; lilac, Syringa; milkweed, Asclepias; redbud, Cercis; verbena, Verbena; vipersbugloss, Echium

breeds in low woodlands, near swamps and rivers, adults fly to open fields and brushy areas for nectar 

females lay single green eggs on lower host leaves, hibernates as caterpillars, puddles. 

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