Cost-effective Roll-Over Protective Structures

Cost-effective Roll-Over Protective Structures

Dr. Stacy Vincent, PI | Dr. Joan Mazur University of Kentucky, Dr. Alex Preston Byrd Clemson University, and Dr. Kang Namkoong University of Maryland

Tractor incidents account for a majority of the injuries and deaths that occur on farms, with tractor overturns being the leading cause of farm operator deaths.

The Cost-Effective Rollover Protection System (CROPS) project implements an innovative and practical solution to a persistent agricultural safety problem:  Unsafe tractors without rollover-protective systems that cause injury and fatality. 

By cultivating sustainable partnerships with agricultural education programs in high poverty, high-risk areas across 10 states in the Southeastern US region, the CROPS project educates the next generation of farmers by increasing awareness of tractor hazards, changing behavioral intention to change unsafe practices, and training them in skills to equip unsafe tractors with Cost-effective Roll Over Protective Systems in their local communities.

The CROPS has five main components:

  1. The CROPS Safety and Installation Curriculum 
  2. A Summer Teacher Training & Mentoring Institute 
  3. Innovative CROPS Technology 
  4. Social Media/Crowd Sourcing Sustainability Strategy 
  5. CROPS Research and Evaluation 

Since its inception in 2014, the CROPS project has installed XX CROPS on unprotected tractors in XX Agricultural Education Programs in 10 states.*