Raising Hope Reel |
Video |
Resource list for disaster relief available to ag producers on KDA website |
Tornado Resources |
RFD TV Raising awareness on the importance of grain bin safety |
Grain Safety |
Roll Bar Demonstration |
Video |
Roll Bar, Kentucky Department of Agriculture |
Rural Kentucky High School Students’ ATV Riding Practices, Mishaps and Injury Events |
Poster |
Rural Kentucky High School Students’ ATV Riding Practices, Mishaps and Injury Events |
Slide Deck |
ATV, Farmer Injury Prevention |
Rural Road Harvest Safety - August 2021 |
Video |
Safe Livestock Handling for Youth |
Video |
Livestock Safety, Ag Educators |
Safety and Perceptions and PPE Provisions, NIOSH Poster |
PPE, Equine, Farmer Injury Prevention |
Safety Auditing in Distilling |
Distilling |