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Global Learning Contract

Tool Objectives: 

1. To develop and carry out an individualized learning plan.

2. To be more responsible, independent and directed in your learning.

3. To generate a statement on what it means to be a global citizen and to engage in a self-reflective process toward becoming a global citizen.      

Tool Description: 

When given the opportunity to develop a learning contract, students can become more responsible and directed in their learning and potentially more enthusiastic about a specific course. This tool provides professors with a basic contract format that is preferably negotiated at the start of the course and prior to the international travel component. The learning contract has been organized around the two primary focus areas: Global Citizenship and Enhanced Academic Achievement.  Specific objectives can be tailored to a particular discipline and destination.

Tool Procedures: 
  1. To be written into the course syllabus, each student is to develop a detailed Global Learning Contract with regard to the overall course, including the international travel component. If possible, allot class time to discuss developing the learning contract. Brainstorm possible learning objectives.
  2. Within three weeks of the start of the course, students should meet individually with the course professor to discuss the learning contract.  It is important to ensure that the student has determined realistic and achievable objectives that are supported by specific methods that will be followed. During this initial meeting, briefly discuss the student’s statement on what it means to be a global citizen. 
  3. As there are likely necessary changes to be made following the initial meeting, give students one week to submit the final learning contract.  Both course professor and student should sign this document and keep a copy on file.  It may be helpful to periodically connect with individual students to discuss their progress. 
  4. Specify a date for the final documentation to be submitted.  If time allows, it may be useful for students to share their objectives as part of a classroom discussion.
  5. A useful resource is "Some Guidelines for Using Learning Contracts." in Training Know How for Cross Cultural and Diversity Trainers by L. Robert Kohl., 1995.
Tool Evaluation: 

The learning contract is to be submitted in two phases.

1. Students submit the signed learning contract within three weeks of the start of the course. 

2. By a specified date toward the end of the course, the students are to submit, a.) a reflection on the progress made toward each learning objective, and b.) a one-page revision of that statement of their statement on what it means to be a global citizen and their self-assessment based on this statement. Students should not be evaluated on whether or not they’ve achieved their goals, but on the effort toward realizing them.

Tool Time Requirement: 

Approximately 30-40 minutes required for explanation of assignment (pre-departure). Additional time needed for individual meetings with students.

Tool Author(s): 

A. Ogden, 2009.

Tool Handouts [.doc or .docx]: 

Site copyright 2012, University of Kentucky, Education Abroad.
Toolkit Authors: Duarte Morais, Ph.D., Anthony C. Ogden, Ph.D., & Christine Buzinde, Ph.D.
More information about the toolkit authors.

Danland theme modification by Vaughan A. Fielder.