May 13, 2013

UK Core Education Committee (UKCEC)
Date of Meeting: 
Monday, May 13, 2013
Location of Meeting: 
Keeneland Room, WT Young Library, 2:00-4:00 pm
Members Present Ex-Officio Present Guests Present
Jonathan Allison Mike Shanks Leah Simpson
Ruth Beattie Debbie Sharp Chris Thuringer
Patty Cook    
Nancy Jones    
Juliana McDonald    



1.     UK Core Exceptions Committee document – Mike Shanks

Motion to approve; motion passed with none opposed.

2.     Study Abroad Courses and UK Core – Ruth Beattie

A question has been raised regarding whether or not a student’s study abroad experience will automatically count for Global Dynamics credit.  The UKCEC thought some study abroad courses may fit, but not all; students probably need to submit individual petitions to the Exceptions Committee for consideration.  It may be helpful for students if instructors complete the UK Core course review form for Global Dynamics to submit with the petition.  Education abroad instructors should also be encouraged to submit courses for UK Core approval if they appear to fulfill the area outcomes.

3.     Approval of minutes from April 29th meeting

Approved, pending the following revisions to agenda item 1:

-        Note: UKCEC was not unanimous in their opinion regarding the international course transfer policy that Susan Carvalho presented.

-        The concern of some members was that granting blanket approval for this policy, when some necessary information may not be provided, could lower Core standards and allow drift.

-        Revise first sentence of second paragraph: “Dr. Carvalho explained the problems that arise from not having a definitive policy…”

-        Note: UKCEC discussed implementing the requirement that International Affairs would obtain UKCEC approval of the international gen ed curriculum for students in a 2+2 program.  Or possibly just include language stating that the Associate Provost for International Programs will ensure the general education curriculum of the international university is comparable to UK’s. 

-        Note: UKCEC agrees to allow 27 hours of gen ed coursework to map to 9 areas of the UK Core (excluding US Citizenship) for the 2+2 agreement with Shanghai University.

-        Before the joint summer meeting between UGC and UKCEC, the following information will be requested from Dr. Carvalho:

a.     More information regarding the approval process for 2+2 agreements and where the UKCEC would need to insert themselves in that process

b.     More information regarding the type of coursework that’s being taken as general education credit at those universities (transcripts)

c.      Provide existing 2+2 agreements for the UKCEC to review

4.     Assessment Review – Chris Thuringer and Leah Simpson

Assessment for UK Core courses was held on May 8 (C&C written and pilot of C&C oral) and May 9 (Citizenship).  There were a few issues with the oral communication assessments, but these can be addressed with further training for instructors and revisions to the instructions that were given to them.

After the Citizenship assessments, it was decided that the Citizenship rubric needs to be discussed and revised. Evaluators reported that the rubric was too broad, they didn’t know how to use the rubric, and they didn’t know what they were looking for within each category.  Conversations will be held with instructors teaching in this area so that the rubric may be revised appropriately.

A UK Core Summit will be scheduled for mid-August to provide feedback to the colleges and a review of UK Core over the last year.

5.     A joint meeting of the UKCEC and UGC will be planned for the summer.  Committee members will be polled in the coming weeks to determine what dates will work best with everyone’s summer schedules.

6.     Meeting adjourned at 3:30 pm.

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