NARNiHS logo      Inaugural Conference
     of the North American Research Network in Historical Sociolinguistics
     21-22-23 July 2017 — co-located with the 2017 LSA Linguistic Institute (University of Kentucky)

Workshop:  A Historical Sociolinguist's Digital Tools "Starter Kit"

Workshop Leader:  Kelly E. Wright, University of Kentucky

Date / Time / Location:
Saturday, 22 July 2017, 3:30-6:00 pm
Jacob Science Building, Room 221
University of Kentucky
Lexington, Kentucky, USA
Bring your own laptop!

This workshop will present a bouquet of digital tools for historical sociolinguistic investigation. We will be working with a prepared dataset to facilitate a common experience and maximize our investigation of the tools, but we will have some opportunity for play! The workshop will contain the following modules:

This workshop will require participants to bring their own laptops (note that tablets will not run all the software we will be using). If this is an issue, please email Kelly Wright (workshop leader) at kelly.wright {at} uky {dot} edu to discuss other options.

==> Here is the list of software tools and resources that you should download to your laptop to be prepared for the workshop:

A full set of guided instructions, complete with screenshots, will be provided, alongside directions on how to access the prepared materials, so these tools can be easily returned to and shared.