Research Accomplishment Reports 2007


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Research Accomplishment Reports for 2007


KY011013 Archbold, D. D.
Regulation of Sorbitol Dehydrogenase Activity During Apple Fruit Development: Genotypic Differences and the Impact of Cultural Practices

KY011018 Buxton, J. W.
Optimizing the Water and Air Relationship and Nutrient Concentration in a Controlled Water Table Irrigated Container Growing Medium

KY099006 Downie, A. B.; Egli, D. B.; Baskin, C. C.; Baskin, J. M.; Perry, S. E.; Geneve, R. L.; TeKrony, D. M.
Environmental and Genetic Determinants of Seed Quality and Performance

KY011020 Geneve, R. L.
The Role of Ethylene and Polyamine Interaction in the Time to Radicle Protrusion during Seed Germination

KY011019 Houtz, R. L.
Mechanism and Significance of Post-Translational Modifications in the Large (LS) and Small (SS) Subunits of Rubisco      

KY011026 Ingram, D.; Van Sanford, D.; Dillon, C.
New Horticultural and Grain Crop Opportunities for Kentucky

KY0-2004-06132 Ingram, D.; Van Sanford, D.; Dillon, C.; Fleming, R.
New Crop Opportunities, Phase V

KY011024 Kurtural, K.; Archbold, D.
Multi-State Evaluation of Wine Grape Cultivars and Clones

KY011017 Masabni, J. G.
Rootstock and Interstem Effects on Pome- and Stone-Fruit Trees

KY011025 McNiel, R. E.
Marketing, Managing, and Producing Environmental Plants in a Technical and Economically Efficient Manner

KY011022 Snyder, J.
Spider Mite Resistance Mechanisms in Lycopersicon hirsutum Accession

KY011016 Williams, M.
Peptide Deformylase: A Novel Herbicide Target Amenable to Genetically Engineered Tolerance