
Payment Type
Name or Company
(Dues are $10 per year. Amount for events will be posted and sent out by email. GSK merchandise amounts can be found on the home page).

Members can also pay ($10.00 per year) by check
payable to the Geological Society of Kentucky  
and mail to:
c/o Ann Harris
PO Box 704
Lexington, Kentucky 40588

Geological Society of Kentucky payment using paypal

  1. In the payment type drop down window, select one
  2. Your name or company
  3. Email address for confirmation to you of payment.
  4. Hit the Pay Now button
  5. Next window, type in a brief description( Dues, field trip, polo shirt, hat, etc.).
  6. Type in price, no $
  7. Type in quantity
  8. Hit the Pay with Debit or Credit Card