College of Communication and Information

Media Arts and Studies - Minor


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The minor in Media Arts and Studies will help prepare students interested in the creation, production, dissemination and use of digital media content.

Minor in Media Arts and Studies — 18 Credit Hours


MAS 101—Introduction To Media and Culture
and MAS 201—Communication Technologies and Society


In addition, complete twelve (12) credits of coursework with MAS prefix; six (6) credits must be from among social-cultural media studies group of courses, three (3) credits must be from media industry courses, and three (3) additional credits from upper-division MAS courses (300-level or above).

Social-Cultural Media Courses
World Media Systems; Electronic Media Criticism; Mass Communication and Social Issues; Media and Popular Culture; Social Effects of the Mass Media; Theory of Multimedia; The Internet and Social Change; Media Psychology, Video Game Studies, Special Topics in Social-Cultural Media Studies (Subtitle required).

Industry Courses
Introduction to the Media Industries; Communication and Information Systems in Organizations; Social Entrepreneurship for Media; The History of Video Games & Industry; Electronic Media Sales Management; Telecommunications Network Management

Media Production Courses
Video Production I; Multimedia I; Social Topics in Media Production (Subtitle required); Video Production II; Multimedia II; Audio Production; TV Newscast Producing and Directing.

2022-23 Minor Sheet