Flyfish@ history of the list

drying out after kreutzering

 Submit your FF@ Activity  ff@ homepage

Be a part of the history of the list by filling in this short form. Tell me of your ff@ event, activity or legend of historical significance (swap, conclave or legend) that made your time with this cyber flyfishing community unique and special.

email address

Your real name

1. Legends.
Is there one you's like to see or one on the site you can add to?

2. Conclaves.
Have you hosted or attended one?
    Who hosted it, where and when was it held?

3. Flyswaps. (admittedly, this is one area that I've just not been able to do justice. And realistically, digging through the archives has been extremely slow going. So, rather than just dump this section, I thought I'd add swaps that you folks supply information on. So  ...
    Have you hosted a swap this year?
    If so, when was it held and what was the theme?

5. Suggestions or comments on these pages?

home | evolution | legends | threads | swaps | conclaves | statistics | archives | survey | credits