Additional Reading

Hopkins, H.T., 1970, Occurrence of fresh water in the Lee Formation in parts of Elliott, Johnson, Lawrence, Magoffin, and Morgan Counties, Eastern Coal Field region, Kentucky: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 1867, 44 p.

HydroSource Associates Inc., 1998, Ground water vs. surface water and water supply economics.

Price, W.E., Jr., Kilburn, C., and Mull, D.S., 1962, Availability of ground water in Boyd, Carter, Elliott, Greenup, Johnson, Lawrence, Lee, Menifee, Morgan, and Wolfe Counties, Kentucky: U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Atlas HA-37, scale 1:250,000.

Price, W.E., Jr., Mull, D.S., and Kilburn, C., 1962, Reconnaissance of ground-water resources in the Eastern Coal Field region, Kentucky: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 1607, 56 p.

Sidhu, A., and Mitsch, W.J., 1987, Water pollution from oil and gas recovery in eastern Kentucky watersheds.

Wunsch, D.R., 1988, High barium concentrations in ground water in eastern Kentucky: Kentucky Geological Survey, ser. 11, Reprint 31, 14 p.

Wunsch, D.R., 1988, The effects of sulfur-reducing bacteria on high barium concentration in ground water in eastern Kentucky.

Wunsch, D.R., 1993, Ground-water geochemistry and its relationship to the flow system at an unmined site in the Eastern Kentucky Coal Field: Kentucky Geological Survey, ser. 11, Thesis 5, 135 p.

Water-resource publications of the Kentucky Geological Survey may be viewed at the Water Research Library on the Kentucky Geological Survey's Web site.

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